Jay Prajapati

A robocist that converts fiber into robots and caffiene into software modules.

Four Legged Robot

Pioneered the design and development of a Quadruped Robot, emulating the walking, turning, trotting, and slope-climbing abilities of canines. Fabricated the robot using FDM and SLA 3D printing, achieving a 40% weight reduction compared to traditional acrylic or aluminum while maintaining robust integrity and mobility. Conducted detailed motion analysis using SolidWorks, optimizing gait patterns to achieve 90% accuracy relative to simulation models. Implemented optimized multithreaded control for 12 servo motors using an ATmega 2560 microcontroller and PCA9685 servo control board via I2C, leading to a first-place victory at GUJCOST Robofest and securing a design and utility patent.

Software module for a Multi-Robot System

Developed a software module using the Agile Iterative Process to simulate a multi-robot system with C++, ROS2, and the Google Test Framework. Integrated CI/CD pipelines for seamless software deployment, successfully simulating over 25 robots with 99% geometric alignment accuracy and 89% code coverage.

Dynamic Path Planning and Replanning Using RRT* for Autonomous Robots

Implemented A*, Dijkstra's, RRT, and RRT* algorithms for optimal robot navigation and obstacle avoidance using TurtleBot3 and Gazebo. Executed the RRT* algorithm in Python, achieving efficient dynamic obstacle avoidance and optimal path planning in complex environments. Developed a real-time replanning mechanism using the broken node approach, enabling robots to seamlessly adapt to obstacles and generate new paths. Demonstrated the algorithm's capability with 100% obstacle avoidance and reliable path optimization across varied dynamic scenarios.

AI-Driven Real-Time Image Captioning for Enhanced Accessibility

Developed a deep learning model using the Inception V3 CNN encoder to process live video feeds and generate vocal descriptive captions, achieving 92% accuracy for real-time accessibility for visually impaired individuals. Enhanced model confidence and reliability with Block Static Expansion and multi-headed attention vectors, significantly improving the accuracy of real-time descriptions.

Autonomous Pick and Place Robot

Engineered a mobile robot with autonomous navigation and obstacle detection, integrating IMU, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Pi Camera, and ultrasonic sensors for real-time object recognition and avoidance. Utilized PID control for precise localization based on encoder data and programmed efficient pick-and-place operations, achieving an 80% success rate with color-coded blocks. Soldered a custom PCB for electronics setup and power distribution.

Comparison of 2D Mapping Algorithms

Conducted a comprehensive evaluation of 2D mapping algorithms, including HectorSLAM, Cartographer, and Gmapping. Mapped a 20,000 sqft hostel floor to validate the study, providing actionable insights for optimal mapping algorithm selection.